Delivery Information
When you order from MuslimMall and have it shipped to another country, there may be import taxes, customs duties or fees added by that country. These charges are usually due when the package arrives. MuslimMall does not cover these costs, and it’s the customer’s responsibility to pay for them. Before purchasing, we suggest checking your country’s customs and duty rules to determine if there will be extra charges. We are located in the U.S.A. and cannot predict if duties will be charged or how much they will cost which usually range from 5% to 25% of the order total (item price + shipping).
Important for UK/EU/International orders: Please note that we do not calculate or charge VAT during checkout. As a result, the customer will be charged by the post office upon delivery. If an order is returned to us due to unpaid taxes, we will refund the purchase price minus shipping and handling costs. We kindly ask that you respond promptly to any SMS/messages/notes from your local post office to avoid the item being sent back to us.
MuslimMall does its best to ship every order out within the next business day after it’s confirmed. The majority of our orders are shipped using the USPS, FedEx, or UPS, depending on availability and transit times to your destination. If you need special services, please contact us before placing your order. We do our best to find the lowest reliable shipping methods for our customers and deliver your order as soon as possible. However, we cannot guarantee a specific delivery date for orders outside of the U.S.A.
MuslimMall takes care in packaging our products to avoid damage and ensure proper delivery. Some products can only be shipped in boxes, while others can be shipped in small flat padded or non-padded envelopes. MuslimMall is not responsible for lost, delayed, or damaged shipments after they leave our facility. If your package is lost or stolen, you must file a claim with the carrier. MuslimMall also cannot be held responsible for misdelivery or incorrect shipping information.
If you have questions about shipping, please email We are here to help and accommodate your needs.